Life sometimes throws you a curve ball without you even expecting it. It could be some type of traumatic experience, a loss of a loved one, an issue with a child, a health concern, and so many different types of situations could fit into this category. It’s common to experience a myriad of emotions when initially faced with any one of these situations. But, it’s after the initial shock of an event that really measures and quantifies your faith.
This past weekend I experienced a pretty awful thing. My wonderful husband had given me a very meaningful item for our ten wedding anniversary and the arrival of our son Julian from Guatemala. It was a family heirloom valued at $40K. This one piece of jewelry I did not feel comfortable wearing around town, well because it’s not an everyday type of piece you want to wear out. I kept it in a secure location of my house and I would take it out periodically and clean it. On Saturday, I went to retrieve it and it was GONE. My heart skipped a couple of beats when I initially couldn’t find it. I tore my entire house apart looking for it, thinking maybe, just maybe I misplaced it. I cried and felt as if I was beaten up with a stick from the stress I experienced. Well, it has not been found. But I did find something much more valuable. I found that God blessed me with His grace and a peace that only He could provide. I prayed about it and He granted me peace. I felt at ease knowing that my family was in tact that none of my children are experiencing any health issues and that I am married to my best friend and my soul mate. We are expecting a new daughter soon, how much better could I have it?
I’ve learned that material items are just MATERIAL. Things that men have placed a value and those things could always be replaced. Family, health, love, understanding and faith are priceless items that can not be replaced. I have learned to never attach myself to any man made item no loss money, jewelry, vehicle or even a home should make your heart heavy because God didn’t create them we did.
I haven’t found my ring and I honestly don’t think I will. In my heart I hope that whoever acquired it has made good use out of it. I know that it served its purpose in my life by allowing me to realize that God has blessed my heart with the true meaning of worth.