; Our Joyful Blessings: Happy 1st Birthday Julian

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Julian

I know I haven't posted in a couple of weeks (shame on me) however, the kids were sick and we went to visit Mickey Mouse!!!

Today, was my sweet Julian's 1st birthday. My head is spinning with how quickly his 1st year went. Last April 11th I was contacted by my Guatemalan facilitator who told me about my precious Julian. She sent me a few pictures and I instantly feel head over heels in love with my little boy. Julian has been home for a short 3 months, yet it feels as if he's been home since the day he was born.

Thank you God for giving me the ability of raising this precious little boy. Thank you Lord for giving me the gift of so many wonderful children and a wonderful husband. I'm a very lucky lady with a wonderful family and wonderful friends. Today I celebrate my youngest sons 1st birthday and all I can say is "Thank you God"!

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